

Medical 4/2/2024 Palatka, FL
Lynda Fitzstephens is raising money on behalf of Whitlee Mullins.
Raised: $2,885 of $8,000 Goal
Fundraiser Story
Little 3-year-old Whitlee Mullins, also known in our community as Warrior Whit, has been fighting liver cancer for nearly half of her short life. After chemotherapy and a liver resection last June at Advent Health was not effective in curing her, Whitlee was placed on the top of the wait list for a donor liver due to the severity of her condition. Whitlee’s family received the call for which they were waiting. On 14 March, Whitlee received a donor liver, undergoing 12-hours of surgery for the transplant. Coincidentally, Whitlee’s Uncle, Ethan Largacci, was killed in a terrible automobile accident two years prior. It was exactly two years to the day of Whitlee’s transplant, March 14, that Ethan’s family donated his organs for others. If that doesn’t give you goosebumps, I don’t know what will! Regarding Whitlee’s current status, while successful, the recovery period for her little body to adapt and absorb the impact of the transplant will extend for at least 6 months. Blood tr...

Whitlee Mullins
Lynda Fitzstephens


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