Connie Harris Funeral

Connie Harris Funeral

Memorial 2/23/2024 Athens, GA
Ashley Cox is raising money on behalf of Connie Harris .
Goal: $7,000
Fundraiser Story
I am the granddaughter of Connie Harris. Connie Harris is a 70 years old. She is a mother, sister, grandmother, and great grandmother. Connie (grandma) has battled for many years with her health. She is in her final days with her family and loved ones. Connie (grandma) decided to come off dialysis by doing so making the hard decision of saying goodbye to family and loved ones and preparing for her passing. Connie (grandma) was an amazing woman she gave her time, love, and energy to so many. She also gave her heart and devoted her life to God. We come from a poor family but we were always rich in love. Unfortunately love isn’t enough to pay for a funeral. It’s my grandmothers wish to be buried and I wanna help honor that wish. Any money we raise will go towards making this happen. We appreciate everyone’s love , support , prayers, and donations. Any donation helps no matter how big or small the donation may be. It’s always the thought that counts.

Connie Harris
Ashley Cox


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